Pika Weekly Newsletter

Pika Weekly Newsletter #4

Some quick updates from Pika Art Team to keep you posted on some things we’ve built, launched and loved.

Product & Research

We released Lip Sync to all users – thanks so much to all of you who helped us spread the word about it. It makes us so happy to see all the amazing content you are creating with it. Stay tuned for an exciting update on Monday… we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on the past few days!


This week, @MatanCohenGrumi gave a Lip Sync workshop – thanks to all of you who joined us. We’ve recorded the session and will upload it on YouTube very soon for y’all to watch it. Weekly Challenge – Back to School but make it GenAI.

You still have more than 24h to submit something and win 2K credits. This week, the task is to use Lip Sync – old school.

We loved this video – incredibly cool use case of Lip Sync in a new context. https://x.com/RyanMorrisonJer/status/1765896965231976822?s=20

A great blog post about the future of ‘low end content’ in the context of AI – perfect weekend read! https://dougshapiro.substack.com/p/with-sora-ai-video-gets-ready-for-closeup

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